
WooMoon Opening 2024

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WooMoon Opening 2024


WooMoon Opening 2024 event was a real success in terms of attendance and emotions.

As every year since its conception Woomoon was a great sold out event where the music of Alex Serra captivated all hearts creating a special moment where people embraced each other on the dance floor creating a magical atmosphere.

The dj set of Valentin Huedo one of the most known faces of WooMoon was incredible, he made all the attendees dance until the last beat. After closing the terrace we went down to the club where Soft Changa warmed up another key moment of the night, the live performance by Jan Bloqmvist. Jan as always thrilled and moved the dancefloor to his liking. Yamil and Taniuka brought the magic of WooMoon openig  into the early hours of the morning.

A night with an exclusive live performance by Alex Serra took place in the cave, and where the WooMoon community put the color to a night that will never be forgotten.

WooMoon will be lighting up Cova Santa every Sunday until the end of the season.

Join us weekly for unforgettable nights filled with magic, music, and mesmerizing moments!


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