Experience Tomorrowland in Madrid

Immersive VR Adventure at WiZink Center

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Immersive VR Adventure at WiZink Center

Experience Tomorrowland in Madrid

Tomorrowland Brings Immersive Experience to Madrid'sWiZink Center

Tomorrowland, the globally renowned festival, is expandingits footprint by launching the Tomorrowland Immersive Experience at Madrid'siconic WiZink Center. Opening on October 25th, this unique audio-visual journeypromises an all-ages deep dive into the magical world of Tomorrowland, offeringfans a new way to explore some of the festival's most iconic themes.

Step into Tomorrowland’s Magical World

The Tomorrowland Immersive Experience is centered around"The Great Library of Tomorrow," a virtual city that acts as agateway to the festival’s rich history and enchanting themes, such as The Storyof Planaxis, The Book of Wisdom, and The Elixir of Life. Visitors will have thechance to roam freely in a VR environment, making this a truly interactive andunforgettable adventure.

This innovative project, developed by Tomorrowland incollaboration with XR Music Hub, Layers of Reality, and Blanco y Negro Music,brings to life Tomorrowland's celebrated themes and values through cutting-edgevirtual reality technology. According to Jordi Sellas, Artistic Director ofLayers of Reality, "Bringing the Tomorrowland Immersive Experience toMadrid has been a milestone in our scalability plans. Especially given Madrid'svibrant cultural and entertainment scene, the Tomorrowland Immersive Experiencestands out as one of the best immersive experiences available today.”

A Journey Through Tomorrowland’s Iconic Themes

Guests will explore beautifully crafted spaces like TheLibrary, The Maze, and Melodia, each brimming with the magic that Tomorrowlandis known for. The journey doesn’t just end with awe-inspiring visuals; visitorscan also purchase exclusive Tomorrowland merchandise and gadgets at the on-siteshop, making it an all-encompassing experience.

A Legacy of Immersive Innovation

This Madrid venture follows the successful launch of asimilar exhibition in Barcelona, which attracted over 40,000 visitors. AsTomorrowland continues to push the boundaries of entertainment, the newexperience in Madrid aims to captivate audiences with its blend of immersivestorytelling and advanced VR technology.

Tickets for the Tomorrowland Immersive Experience are nowavailable. For more details, including FAQs, ticket purchases, and updates,visit Tomorrowland's official website.

Don’t miss your chance to step into the enchanting world ofTomorrowland right in the heart of Madrid.


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